Heath and Well-beingthe gem of Ayurveda
Or how to rediscover a calm mind and inner peace.
The practice of this Ayurvedic head treatment (=Shiro) lies in the regular flow of a stream (=Dhara) of warm oil over the forehead.
The gentle swaying of this stream of oil from the left to the right of the forehead immediately calms the mind. Relaxing the mind allows the two hemispheres of the brain (rational and intuitive) to regain balance.
The head is the seat of the Vata dosha, which governs the nervous and respiratory systems. Any imbalance in this dosha can have far-reaching consequences.
Many psychological disorders and physical illnesses are the result of a lack of rest.
Insomnia is a common problem for many people today. Lack of sleep (and therefore rest) can lead to a number of psychological disorders or physical illnesses such as :
-General fatigue, insomnia
-Depression, burn out
-ENT problems: dizziness, headaches, eye and/or hearing problems
-Hyperactivity, stress, anxiety, fears
-Lack of concentration, memory problems, etc.
Shirodhara's benefits
It is the type of external “oleation” indicated for psychological and neurological disorders and practised as part of specific cures with accompaniment.
Some recent studies have demonstrated its anxiolytic effect. Its technique pacifies the doshas (Ayurvedic moods), as the prolonged stimulation of the cerebral cortex by the continuous stream of oil produces powerful physical and mental relaxation.
In the context of a relaxation session (outside a cure), as proposed here, it has numerous benefits if practised several times over a given period. This needs to be agreed and organised between the two protagonists.* The nervous system and mood are balanced.
*Concentration and communication improve.
* Tension is reduced
* Perception becomes sharper
* The face becomes softer…
* Scalp and hair are deeply nourished
There are situations in which Shirodhara is not recommended:
Pregnant women, people with severe mental disorders, fever, cancer, recent injury or surgery (neck, head), skin diseases, scalp infection…

Le Shirodhara fait parti des traitements spécifiques proposés lors de la cure Panchakarma.
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Le Shirodhara induit un relâchement profond à la fois mental et physique.
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