Vridabhyanga massage
Massage for the elderly.
Today’s systems and society have contributed to the estrangement of people and relationships, especially where the elderly are concerned, who often feel a great deal of loneliness.
Massage can improve this condition through physical and social contact.
Older people are considered to be 75 years old, more or less, depending on their metabolic state, known as Awasta, which indicates which direction the massage can take.
At the physiological level, there are 3 problems:
- digestion and metabolic problems
- circulation; difficult, reduced sensations
- Joints: arthritis blocks them (especially hands and feet).
In general, the elderly are prone to problems due to dysfunction of Vata and Pitta, resulting in very slow digestion. Few Pittas result in a very low level of Agni, known as Manda agni. This creates more air which increases Vata in the large intestine, leading to indigestion and constipation.
The urinary system is restless in the elderly; they urinate more often or are prone to incontinence because the muscles are weak, the sense organs are increasingly damaged: hearing, sight, taste, the skin is dry…
The support of a suitable diet is essential to improve the situation.
Reduce the amount of cereals in the diet and, if necessary, opt for rye, bulgur, quinoa and oats. Avoid all refined products (rice, flour, white sugar), some legumes are not recommended (except coral lentils and mung beans), some cooked vegetables depending on the individual, fruit in moderation, dried fruit (grapes, almonds, cashews, walnuts), light dairy products, some oils (flax, olive), spices (turmeric, cinnamon, asafoetida, sage, cardamom, etc.). In general, avoid astringent, bitter or pungent foods.
The Vridhabhyanga massage is a very gentle full-body massage that provides warmth, relaxation, improved joint mobility and, above all, good hydration for mature skin.
Practising this massage once or twice a week will rehydrate the skin, make the joints more supple, improve blood circulation and aid digestion.
The massage protocol can be adapted to suit the person’s physical or emotional state.
The person lies on their side on a massage table (which can be a bed), supported by cushions for greater comfort.
They may be partially covered to protect their modesty.
VATA Tailam oil or tridoshic oil is used for this massage.
Indications for this massage ;
- To soothe the vata dosha (joint pain, knees, shoulders, back, etc.)
- Improves blood circulation (vascular problems)
- Aids digestion (flatulence, bloating)
- Boost morale, restore energy
- Calming the mind, dispelling fears
- Moisturise the skin
Contraindications of this massage ;
- Elderly people who are too ill (Alzheimer’s or very severe Parkinson’s)
- Diarrhoea, severe dizziness
- High blood pressure