Udvartana massage
dry body scrubPurification and regeneration of the skin to release tension
In India, Udvartana is a treatment that is performed dry (for rather oily skins such as Kapha types) or after a light application of oil for Vata skin types.
This scrub uses a base of chickpea flour mixed with natural Indian plants and spices.
- Chickpea flour is exfoliating and absorbent, penetrating easily through the skin’s pores and destroying superfluous fat in a detox process. Rich in anti-oxidants, it has anti-ageing properties and contains proteins and vitamins.
- Plant powders such as Amla (or Amalaki = nurse) or Manjishta (Indian madder) are anti-oxidants, combating skin ageing, tightening and toning the tissues. Rich in vitamin C, Amla boosts vitality and promotes cell regeneration. It soothes the Vata and Pitta constitutions and is also antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Manjishta illuminates the skin, evens out the complexion and soothes Pitta and Kapha.
- Spices are ‘warming’, stimulating blood flow and keeping blood pressure stable. They stimulate digestion by speeding up the metabolism and have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, cleansing, exfoliating and firming properties…
These ‘homemade preparations’ deep-cleanse the skin, freeing up the pores so it can breathe more easily and become suppler, softer and firmer.
Our skin, the body’s largest organ, is a cutaneous barrier that we must protect. Highly sensitive, it protects us from the elements and allows toxins to be eliminated through perspiration.
The massage technique associated with the scrub uses wide, sustained strokes, kneading and sliding pressure. The ‘massage’ is revitalising and joyful
The Udvartana body scrub is for everyone, as it revitalises the body by combating all kinds of ‘stagnation’, and in particular for overweight constitutions.

- relieves muscle and joint pain
- drains toxins, fat and water
- soothes the mind
- beautifies the skin
- improves blood and lymph circulation
- helps lose weight (water retention and localised cellulite)
Some contraindications
- heart problems
varicose veins
recent scars
inguinal hernia
after a bath
Note: Don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids after the scrub to help the lymphatic system eliminate toxins.