An essential element of well-being and massage, vegetable oils have a number of therapeutic and cosmetic virtues. The masseur and the oil work together.

In India, vegetable oils are often blended with plants with specific virtues for treatments or massages; these are known as Ayurvedic oils. The oil is chosen according to the doshic constitution.

The basic oil used is sesame oil, to which a number of plants and minerals are added. This is followed by long cooking, decoctions and macerations to achieve a convincing result.

The ayurvedic oils I use are quality oils developed in partnership with an ayurvedic clinic in India. The manufacturing processes are carried out in accordance with the formulas taken from the founding texts of Ayurveda. They are heated in a traditional Indian copper and stainless steel oil warmer with purifying and anti-bacterial properties.

It is essential to use quality oils (organic, with no additives), whether they are used by a professional or in your own bathroom, and it is important to be aware of certain points;

Most vegetable oils keep well for 6 months, preferably in an opaque glass bottle, in a cool place and away from light. They may contain traces of shell (walnuts, hazelnuts ….), so be careful if you are allergic. The choice of the one that suits you best will be of the utmost importance.

Vegetable oils

Sesame oil

A veritable treasure trove of benefits, sesame oil has been used in cooking the world over since the dawn of time…

Sesame is thought to have originated in India or Africa and has been consumed for over 7000 years. It was also the first plant from which an edible oil was extracted!

It is a symbol of immortality in Ayurvedic medicine, which uses warm, virgin sesame oil for Ayurvedic massages, as it is rich in essential fatty acids, which are transported deep into the skin.

Moisturising and nourishing, it is recommended for all skin and hair types. And for all ages!

Emollient and protective, it soothes irritation and promotes healing.

Rich in Omega 6 and 9 (good fats) and antioxidant (sesamolin and sesamin), it contains   E vitamin, iron and phosphorus.

In Ayurveda, it is the most widely used basic oil, recommended for increasing Pitta and Kapha, and reducing Vata. Its richness in minerals (calcium and magnesium) gives it the power to calm the mind. It has the ability to nourish in depth, penetrating tissues and nourishing them as well as the skin and organs. It soothes, warms and brings strength and balance.

Jojoba oil

It comes from the nut of the jojoba tree, a shrub from the South American desert known as the “Gold of the Incas”. Gold coloured, it has many virtues…

Rich in active ingredients, it is an effective anti-ageing treatment for both skin and hair. It nourishes, protects, softens and regenerates.

It regulates sebum (produced in excess by stress, pollution, poor lifeslytle etc.), soothes irritation, helps healing, is antifungal and antioxidant.

Anyone can use it, whatever their skin type, even children and babies.

I use it at the end of every massage, on the face. It’s much appreciated!

The notion of ethics that it conveys is important because it has replaced whale fat in cosmetics.

coconut oil

Delicious in cooking or for massage, coconut oil is soft, light and refreshing.

It is obtained by cold pressing the coconut and maceration.

In Ayurveda, it is recommended for Pitta types who need freshness and soothing. And it’s an oil that lowers body heat. When you have a “hot head”, it refreshes your thoughts!

It is also antiseptic, and can be used for burns, skin rashes, eczema, etc.

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids, vitamin A, iron and potassium.

It can be used on the body as well as the hair, and is suitable for all skin types.

It has a soft, sweet, exotic scent that perfumes the skin, moisturises, softens and makes muscles supple.

As it solidifies easily, it’s easy to transport.

huile de coco


One of the best known in the Ayurvedic tradition, thanks to its ancestral formula. It promotes the elimination of waste and balances the 3 doshas: VATA, PITTA and KAPHA. It is tridoshic.

Acting on both the body and the mind, its action is balancing and strengthening. It is an oil of “finesse and strength”, as its history suggests……


DHAVANTARI is the god of Ayurveda and in his representation he holds the nectar of immortality in one of his hands, hence the name of this oil …

Dhavantaram oil boosts immunity, rejuvenates the body and skin and is an antioxidant.

It deeply nourishes the skin, muscles, joints, veins…

It is suitable for all types of constitition, particularly VATA and PITTA.

It is also used for cranial massage. It soothes and calms.


This oil soothes VATA disorders (joints and rheumatism, arthritis, sciatica, etc.) and KAPHA disorders (numbness, swelling, lethargy, cramps, heavy legs).

It quickly penetrates deep into the tissues. It is nourishing, re-harmonises circulation and stimulates. Draining, it helps eliminate toxins and provides energy and dynamism.