When is Ayurveda necessary?

Ayurveda, whom for? What for?

For Ayurveda, health is not just the absence of disease, it is above all the concept of balance. The very balance that brings us total well-being.

It seems obvious that we’re all looking for the same feeling. We all hope for a long and happy life.

And whatever our suffering, malaise, illness or problems, if we rebalance our nature, the benefits will be there. 

The path to well-being and sustainable health

Changing your lifestyle can be difficult at times, but ensuring your well-being must be your primary motivation. By putting certain Ayurvedic principles into practice on a daily basis, you can begin a life path of lasting health and well-being.

Ayurveda is suitable for everyone and is indicated for a variety of conditions (chronic illnesses, sleep problems, digestive problems, migraines, menopause, physical pain and tension, etc.).

To establish a harmonious daily rhythm, you need to be in tune with the natural cycles of the day.

For example: Ayurveda recommends drinking a glass of warm or hot water (depending on your constitution) in the morning after cleansing your tongue, or eating breakfast (the largest meal of the day) in peace and quiet, savouring each food and eating neither too little nor too little (depending on your constitution), or breathing consciously throughout the day, or allowing yourself moments of pure silence, especially at the end of the day (after work).

Ayurveda is full of advice, you just have to adopt the ones that means something to you.

Because Ayurvedic massage is the best way to circulate energy in the body and eliminate toxins and waste, it is suitable for everyone, with a few exceptions.


The physical benefits of massage

  • Pain relief
  • Tension reduction
  • Tones the body
  • Softening the skin
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Elimination of toxins and fat

The benefits of massage for the body

  • Promotes sleep
  • Eliminates fatigue
  • Helps prevent illness
  • Improves energy circulation
  • Improves blood and lymph circulation
  • Acts on constipation by improving digestion

The psychological benefits of massage

  • Relaxation
  • Total well-being
  • Relaxation and a good mood
  • Helps combat stress, anxiety and depression



  • Heart or circulatory disorders (thrombosis)
  • Bone and skeletal diseases
  • Cancer (swelling) according to type/stage
  • Recent scar, wound, burn, cut
  • Just before, just after or during menstruation
  • Following surgery (wait at least 3 months)
  • High fever, nausea, inflammation (skin, sprain, tear, etc.)
  • Severe pain
  • Diabetes, varicose veins
  • Pregnancy (wait until the 4th month)